J&B Medical has a strong connection and commitment to community engagement.
We believe in coming together to make a difference.
Below is a recap of the community events we have proudly supported over the month
of April!

April 18, 2022
Ukraine Donation
Americares has over 40 years of experience responding to emergencies, including conflicts that lead to large-scale displacements. Americares has emergency response teams in Poland and Romania to support health services for families affected by the escalating humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The teams have expertise in coordinating large-scale shipments of medicine and relief supplies and mobilizing emergency medical teams in crises. They have delivered 20 tons of medicine and relief supplies to Ukraine, and several more shipments are underway or planned.
J&B Medical has partnered with Americares and donated 25 pallets of critically needed medical supplies to help the critical need for medical supplies, gloves, wound care supplies, and trauma kits.
For more information, please visit: www.americares.org
April 14, 2022
Southeastern MI Fire Chiefs show – Novi, MI
We are a proud supporter of Southeastern MI Fire Chiefs. J&B Medical was invited to network and display new products to help assist members in their efforts to promote effective fire prevention and suppression, emergency medical services, and other emergency services through educational, technical, and legislative means.
Our MI Representative, Josh Thibault is pictured with his customers from Wright-Tallmadge Twp Fire.
For more information, please visit: www.michiefs.org/MAFC
April 20, 2022
Ascension Providence Foundation Donation
We are a proud supporter of the Ascension Providence Foundation. This year we gave a generous gift to help support the Digestive Health Program at Ascension Providence Hospital. Ascension is a private nonprofit health system that relies on charitable donations to expand, educate, and enhance community programs. The foundations help build and expand health care facilities, acquire the latest medical technology, educate its medical staff, enhance community programs, and serve the poor. Donors can support hospitals and programs in southeast Michigan with contributions to Ascension St. John Hospital in Detroit and Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield and Novi. With the COVID-19 pandemic putting unprecedented strain on health care workers and their families, the Ascension St. John and Ascension Providence Foundations are requesting additional assistance.
For more information on how to make a difference, please visit: www.stjohnprovfoundations.org

April 22 -23, 2022
3rd Annual South Texas Comprehensive Health Care Symposium
It is the 3rd Annual South Texas Comprehensive Health Care Symposium featuring Trauma, Stroke, Cardiac and Perinatal speakers. The Symposium is designed to meet the educational needs of Pre-hospital and Hospital providers.
Diana Rayborne is pictured along with our customer, Raul Torres Risk Manager for Willacy County EMS.
For more information, please visit: www.tracv.org